Springboot project tips - initializing spring dispatcherservlet 'dispatcherservlet' solution

LIYITONGXUEJune 14, 2022
Less than 1 minute...


After running the springboot project, when using postman to test the interface, the console of idea has the following prompt:

Initializing Spring DispatcherServlet 'dispatcherServlet'
Initializing Servlet 'dispatcherServlet'
Completed initialization in 1 ms

二、Cause Analysis

The default value of spring boot load on startup is -1. When the project is started, the dispatcherservlet will not be initialized by default, that is, the init () method of the servlet interface will not be called.


Set spring.mvc.servlet.load-on-startup to 0 or a positive integer, and execute initialization when the project starts.

Method1、Add the following configuration in the application.properties configuration file


Method2、Add the following configuration in the application.yml configuration file

      load-on-startup: 1

Methods 1 and 2 are equivalent to adding the following configuration in the web.xml file of the spring MVC project:


The End

After re running the project, call the interface, and the idea console has no relevant prompt of dispatcherservlet, which is solved successfully.

Last update: 8/2/2022, 2:39:25 AM
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